6 o'clock in the evening. Set off, music on, set timer on watch...Down the street. It's still pretty hot. A group of boys are messing about with a go-cart, laughing. It's only a short way to the beach, past a couple of streets of baches (holiday homes), all pretty basic and all different. Past Tartz Cafe and the Cosmopolitan Club (The Cossie) where you can get a meal on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Although I don't think there will be much for veggies – we'll see tomorrow – and onto the beach. People don't stop in the carpark and walk to the beach here, they just drive on and park up! We spent the afternoon here running in and out of the waves. Jay had a great time and Theo had his first sit on the beach – yes, he did eat sand. Only a couple of cars around now though, which way shall I go? Left, up to the sea's edge and along. A wide expanse of flat sand bordered by dunes and wood that has been twisted and worked by the elements into fabulous shapes. The beach stretches as far as I can see and it feels like it was made to run on. Fifteen minutes in and Amy Winehouse is providing the soundtrack. I turn and look down the beach to go back, There is nobody in sight. It is so beautiful I laugh out loud.
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