One thing you may have been missing from the blog so far is any mention of young Theo. Well he is still here, we haven't left him anywhere along the way. He isn't doing much so hasn't really got any spectacular anecdotes to add to the diary, but he has been advancing in his own way, and is getting a lot of general adoration as he grins his way into friendship with various locals.
He is right there every time I turn round, so I can't really empathise with any of you out there who may have been missing him, but I'm trying to make amends by giving him his own chapter today. He certainly deserves it.
Here comes the Science bit: he's got the hang of crawling pretty good, can pull himself up to a standing position, is less snotty and his excema has cleared up. He still has only one tooth, not sure if he'll ever have another, although he can just about suck down a banana on his own. But other than that is the same smiley, randomly sleeping guy he was when we left. He has a bit more hair, but we still can not work out if it is to be straight or curly. You decide.
Here's the latest pics of him on Youtube for you to adore.
NEWSFLASH: The second tooth has arrived. A large flappy bit of his gum has appeared and there is most definitely another tooth below it. That is all.
Duly adored. Specially enjoyed Theo's Burt Reynolds moment midway through the clip. Only the sheepskin rug is missing. He will, of course, live to resent it bitterly and revenge will be certain: the guy's got teeth.